purple background with abstract shapes. Text: Bookworm buddies, a book club for parents. Thursday February 27 1pm- 2:30pm. Book discussion for parents and guardians. Engaging activities for children. Register online or in person at the library.

Green background with ping pong ball and two paddles. Text: New Program- Ping Pong Club Last Friday each month Friday 3pm-4pm. All ages

Paint brushes and paint background with text: Caldwell Family Painting event Tues March 11, 2025. Paint and canvas supplied- while supplies last. all families welcome. Theme: Bridges- Connection? Transition? Division?

purple background with abstract shapes. Text: Bookworm buddies, a book club for parents. Thursday February 27 1pm- 2:30pm. Book discussion for parents and guardians. Engaging activities for children. Register online or in person at the library.