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Item List

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Build early literacy skills by reading 1000 books with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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Adulting 101

Learn basic skills and more. From resume building to backyard farming and more! What will you learn next?

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Contactless Delivery

If you are high-risk for COVID-19 or have limited transportation, you might qualify for our delivery services.

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Digital Resources for Kids

Browse our collection of online stories and games.

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Homebound Delivery

Can't make it to the library due to illness, age, and/or disability? Sign up for our Homebound Delivery service.

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Mobile Makerspace

Our Mobile Makerspace is a STEM workshop on wheels!

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Thursday Read Book Club

Find out what books are coming up next for the Thursday Read Book Club.

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Tutoring Services

Have computer questions? Taking an online course and need a proctor for an exam? We can help!

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Ultimate Book Nerd

How many books can you read in a year? Complete 50 books in 50 weeks for adults, 35 books for teens, and 25 books for kids to earn the title of Ultimate Book Nerd.

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