Meeting Room Policy
The Caldwell Public Library provides meeting space for use by the library, by municipal, county, and state government, and by the public for lawful public use.
The Dean E. Miller Community Room will seat approximately 100. Tables, a projection screen, and a kitchenette are available.
The Idaho Room, available only during the hours the library is open, has two large conference tables with seating for 15. Food and drink are not permitted in this room.
All scheduling is made through library administration between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Reservations are preferred at least one week in advance of the meeting date and may be made up to 6 months in advance. Other than the library, municipal, county and state government, no group may reserve the meeting room for more than five four-hour blocks in any month. The library reserves the right to cancel any reservation with a six week notice for its own programming needs. The library reserves the right to set appropriate conditions for use.
Groups requiring assistance with and or set up of audiovisual technologies available in the Dean E. Miller Community Room or the Idaho Room must specifically request assistance at the time the room is reserved. Groups should be aware that staff availability is limited and staff may not be available to assist at the time of the event.
Rules for Use
1. All meetings held in library meeting rooms must be open to the public.
2. Library-sponsored activities are given priority in the consideration of the use of meeting rooms. Use of library meeting rooms by other City of Caldwell departments will not be given priority over uses by other groups.
3. The room must be left in a neat and orderly condition. Charges for damage beyond normal wear will be assessed to the group that had the booking at the time of the damage.
4. Meeting rooms are not available for private or personal events such as birthday parties, weddings, showers, memorial services, or the like.
5. No fee may be charged for admission to a meeting in a library meeting room. Onsite purchase or sale of goods or services or collection of dues or donations are prohibited, unless expressly permitted in advance by the library director.
6. Meeting rooms are available at times and locations that do not conflict with daily operations of the library. Meeting rooms may be available outside of the library’s open hours only at the discretion of the library director or designee and, in such cases additional charges or fees may be imposed.
7. Adult supervision must be provided during the entire time of contracted use. Library staff cannot provide child care services for the children of adults who are using the meeting room.
8. The library assumes no responsibility of liability for accidents, injury, or loss of personal property in the library or the meeting room.
9. Alcohol consumption, open flames, and animals, with the exception of service animals, on library property are prohibited.
10. Unless otherwise prohibited, refreshments may be served. Groups serving food are responsible for clean-up.
11. Staff may refer public inquiries concerning the meeting in question to the person signing the room reservation form for the group.
12. No group may use the library’s address as its address. All news releases, publicity or advertisements relating to any program or meeting held in one of the library’s meeting rooms shall clearly state the name of the sponsoring organization or individual, and unless the event is co-sponsored by the library, must include the following disclaimer: “This is not a library sponsored event. The City of Caldwell is neither responsible nor liable for information provided by users of the Library’s meeting rooms.”
13. Groups that don't show up within fifteen minutes of their reserved start time will forfeit the reservation.
The Library reserves the right to deny or revoke a reservation and permission to use a meeting room at any time if the particular usage is disruptive to the library’s normal course of business, violates the Caldwell Public Library’s Rules of Conduct Policy or any other library policy or regulation, or violates any local, state or federal law.
Application Procedure:
An application for the Dean E. Miller Community Room is available via the website or upon request by phone, email, or in person. Completed application for use of the Dean E. Miller Community Room must be turned in to library administration before the Dean E. Miller Community Room will be reserved. The Idaho Room may be reserved by contacting the library during normal business hours and an application is not required.
The Dean E. Miller Community Room Use Fee:
No fee: City of Caldwell, Caldwell Public Library-affiliated groups, or other local government entities groups, community book or study groups, musical recitals, Neighborhood Associations located within the limits of the City of Caldwell.
Caldwell, Canyon-County based or national non-profit groups, or individuals:
1- 4 hours: $25
4+ hours: $50
For-profit groups:
1-4 hours: $50
4+ hours: $100
$10 additional cleaning fee: For ALL groups that wish to serve food and beverage.
$25 per half hour will be assessed to ALL groups who stay later than 10 minutes past the end of their reserved period.
All fees must be paid by cash or check before the start time of the event.
Idaho Room Use:
There is no fee for use of the Idaho Room.