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COVID-19 Updates

Caldwell Public Library's Covid-19 Response

December 6, 2021 - Update


Effective Monday, December 6, 2021:

  • Our computers have moved out of the Community Room and back into the main library. We will no longer be taking appointments for computer use.

  • Meeting Room reservations are now being accepted.

  • Curbside Pickup and Contactless Delivery are still available.

  • The library is open for browsing.

  • Library Programs will be limited.

  • Books drops are open.

A patir del 6 de diciembre de 2021:

  • Nuestras computadoras se han mudado de la Sala Comunitaria y han regresado a la biblioteca principal. Ya no aceptaremos citas para el uso de la computadora.

  • Ahora se aceptan reservas de salas de reuniones.

  • La recogida en la acera y la entrega sin contacto todavía están disponibles.

  • La biblioteca está abierta para navegar.

  • Los programas de la biblioteca serán limitados.

  • Los depósitos del libros permanecen abiertos

October 26, 2021 - Update


Effective Monday, November 1, 2021: 

The library will reopen for browsing on November 1, 2021. Services and restrictions will be as follows: 

  • Curbside Pickup is available for holds made on our online catalog. Place your holds and schedule a time to come to the library to pick them up once your items are available.  

    • Your order will be bagged and waiting for you at the table outside our East Entrance. We ask that you remain inside your vehicle until the table is unoccupied before retrieving your items so that social distancing can be maintained. Curbside pickup is available until 30 minutes before closing each day. 

  • Contactless Delivery is available for patrons unable to come to the library. To schedule a delivery, fill out an online application or give us a call at 208-459-3242. 

  • Computer Use is available by appointment only

    • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained

    • Stations will be thoroughly sanitized between uses

    • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour

    • Please call 208.459.3242 to schedule an appointment.   

  • Mobile Hotspots are available for checkout and free WiFi can be accessed from our parking lot   

  • Book drops are open  

  • Meeting room reservations will be suspended until further notice 

  • Library Programs will be virtual 

La biblioteca se abrira para nevegar a partir del 1 de Noviembre de 2021. Se aplican los siguientes servicios y restricciones: 

  • Los libros y materiales seguiran siendo disponibles para levanter en el estacionamiento 

    • Su pedido estará empaquetado y esperándolo en la mesa afuera de nuestra Entrada Este. Le pedimos que permanezca dentro de su vehículo hasta que la mesa esté desocupada antes de recuperar sus artículos para que se pueda mantener el distanciamiento social. La recogida en la acera está disponible hasta 30 minutos antes del cierre cada día. 

  • Los servicios de entrega sin contacto están disponibles para los usuarios que no pueden venir a la biblioteca. Para programar una entrega, complete una solicitud en línea o llámenos al 208-459-3242. 

  • Las computadoras seran disponible por cita solamente

    • Citas de una hora 

    • Las estaciones de computadoras de distancia social seran limpiadas y desinfectadas despues de cada uso 

    • Llame al 208.459.3242 para programar una cita. 

  • Pida prestado un punto de acceso móvil o use nuestro wifi público desde nuestro estacionamiento 

  • Los depósitos del libros permanecen abiertos

  • Las salas para juntas publicas no son disponibles para uso y reservaciones no se estan acceptando. 

  • Los programas de la biblioteca seguiran siendo virtuales (distancia). 

September 22, 2021 - Update


Effective Monday, September 27, 2021: 

The library facility is closed to the public until further notice. Services and restrictions will be as follows: 

  • Curbside Pickup is available for holds made on our online catalog. Place your holds and schedule a time to come to the library to pick them up once your items are available.  

    • Your order will be bagged and waiting for you at the table outside our East Entrance. We ask that you remain inside your vehicle until the table is unoccupied before retrieving your items so that social distancing can be maintained. Curbside pickup is available until 30 minutes before closing each day. 

  • Contactless Delivery is available for patrons unable to come to the library. To schedule a delivery, fill out an online application or give us a call at 208-459-3242. 

  • Computer Use is available by appointment only

    • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained

    • Stations will be thoroughly sanitized between uses

    • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour

    • Please call 208.459.3242 to schedule an appointment.   

  • Pick up holds or request items for staff retrieval inside our East Entrance   

  • Mobile Hotspots are available for checkout and free WiFi can be accessed from our parking lot   

  • Book drops are open  

  • Meeting room reservations will be suspended until further notice 

  • Library Programs will be virtual 

A partir del 27 de noviembre de 2021, la biblioteca está cerrada al público. Se aplican los siguientes servicios y restricciones: 

  • Los libros y materiales seguiran siendo disponibles para levanter en el estacionamiento 

    • Su pedido estará empaquetado y esperándolo en la mesa afuera de nuestra Entrada Este. Le pedimos que permanezca dentro de su vehículo hasta que la mesa esté desocupada antes de recuperar sus artículos para que se pueda mantener el distanciamiento social. La recogida en la acera está disponible hasta 30 minutos antes del cierre cada día. 

  • Los servicios de entrega sin contacto están disponibles para los usuarios que no pueden venir a la biblioteca. Para programar una entrega, complete una solicitud en línea o llámenos al 208-459-3242. 

  • Las computadoras seran disponible por cita solamente

    • Citas de una hora 

    • Las estaciones de computadoras de distancia social seran limpiadas y desinfectadas despues de cada uso 

    • Llame al 208.459.3242 para programar una cita. 

  • Pida prestado un punto de acceso móvil o use nuestro wifi público desde nuestro estacionamiento 

  • Los depósitos del libros permanecen abiertos

  • Las salas para juntas publicas no son disponibles para uso y reservaciones no se estan acceptando. 

  • Los programas de la biblioteca seguiran siendo virtuales (distancia). 

September 20, 2021 - Update

With the rise in COVID-19 cases, the Caldwell Public Library has suspended in-person programming until further notice.

  • The following programs will be impacted:

    • Afterschool Fun - Tuesdays at 4 pm

    • Baby Storytime - Wednesdays at 10:30 am

    • Toddler Storytime - Thursdays at 10:30 am

    • Pokémon Club - October 2, 2021

    • Monday Social - September 20, 2021

    • LEARN Idaho Viewing Parties - September 23 & 30, 2021


Other library services will remain unaffected until further notice.

Nuevo Aviso de la Biblioteca de Caldwell:

Actualizado Lunes, 20 de septiembre del 2021

Con el aumento en casos causado por el COVID-19, la Biblioteca de Caldwell ha suspendido las actividades o programas hechas en persona hasta nuevo aviso.

  • Las siguientes actividades/programas serán afectadas:

    • “Afterschool fun” (Diversion Despues de Clases) - Martes a las 4pm

    • “Baby StoryTime” (Cuentos para Bebés) - Miércoles a las 10:30am

    • “Toddler Storytime” (Cuentos para Niños Pequeños) - Jueves a las 10:30am

    • “Pokemon Club” (Club de Pokemon) - 2 de octubre del 2021

    • “Monday Social” (Lunes Social) - 20 septiembre del 2021

    • “LEARN Idaho Viewing Parties” (Seminario Web de LEARN Idaho) - 23 y 30 de septiembre del 2021


Otros servicios ofrecidos en la Biblioteca no se verán afectados hasta nuevo aviso.

July 1 2021 - Update

Effective immediately, the following updates to services are in effect:

  • The library is open for browsing, and Curbside Pickup is still available

  • Contactless Delivery services are available for qualified patrons

  • Computers have moved back into the main library. Stations are set up in both the adult and children's areas

    • We are no longer taking reservations for computer use​

    • Computer sessions will be limited to one hour if there is a line

  • Meeting Room Reservations and Book Donations are being accepted

May 6, 2021 - Update

Effective immediately, we will no longer be quarantining returned library materials. Because we will still need to check in previously quarantined items, you may notice some items you have returned are still appearing on your account. As soon as they are checked in, any late notices will be automatically removed. No fines will be assessed at this time.

March 8, 2021 – Update 

The library is open for browsing. Curbside and delivery services will remain available. The following services and restrictions are in effect:   

  • Curbside Pickup is available for holds made on our online catalog. Place your holds and schedule a time to come to the library to pick them up once your items are available. Your order will be bagged and waiting for you at the table outside our East Entrance. We ask that you remain inside your vehicle until the table is unoccupied before retrieving your items so that social distancing can be maintained. Curbside pickup is available until 30 minutes before closing each day. 

  • Computer Use is available by appointment only  

  • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained  

  • Stations will be thoroughly sanitized between uses  

  • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour  

  • Please call 208.459.3242 to schedule an appointment.  

  • Pick Up Holds or Request Items for staff retrieval inside our East Entrance  

  • Browsing is available  

  • Contactless Delivery options are available 

  • Mobile Hotspots are available for checkout and free WiFi can be accessed from our parking lot  

  • Book Drops are open 

  • All returned materials will be quarantined for up to one week before being removed from your account - no fines will be assessed at this time 

  • Meeting Room Reservations and Book Donations will be suspended at this time  

  • Library Programs will continue virtually 

Empesando el Lunes Marzo 8, La Biblioteca pública de Caldwell está cerrada para ojeada. Servicios que estan disponible es:

  • Los libros y materiales seguiran siendo disponibles para levanter en el estacionamiento entre las siguientes horas:

  • Lunes-Jueves: 10 am - 8:30 pm

  • Viernes: 10 am - 5:30 pm

  • Sabado: 10 am - 4:30 pm

  • Domingo: 2 pm - 4:30 pm

  • Las computadoras seran disponible por cita solamente:

    • Citas de una hora

    • las estaciones de computadoras de distancia social seran limpiadas y desinfectadas despues de cada uso

  • Hay opciones disponibles de entrega sin contacto

  • Entrar a ver se permitira

  • Usted pueden a recoger articulos reservados o solicitor materiales adentro de la entrada este de la biblioteca

  • Los depositos del libros permanecen abiertos

  • Los materiales devueltos están sujetos a una cuarentena de 1 semana antes de ser registrados en nuestra sistema

  • Los programas de la biblioteca seguiran siendo virtuales (distancia).

  • Las salas para juntas publicas no son disponibles para uso y reservaciones no se estan acceptando.

  • Donaciones no se estan aceptando a este tiempo.

January 23, 2021 – Update 

Effective February 1, 2021: City buildings will begin reopening to the public. The Caldwell Public Library will remain closed for browsing but open for curbside pickup, computer appointments, and other services. The following services and restrictions are in effect:  

  • Curbside Pickup is available for holds made on our online catalog. Place your holds and schedule a time to come to the library to pick them up. Your items will be bagged and waiting for you at the table outside our East Entrance. We ask that you remain inside your vehicle until the table is unoccupied before retrieving your items so that social distancing can be maintained. Curbside pickup is available during the following times: 

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 9 pm  

    • Friday: 10 am - 6 pm 

    • Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm 

    • Sunday: 2 pm - 5 pm 

  • Computer Use is available by appointment only 

    • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained 

    • Stations will be thoroughly sanitized between uses 

    • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour 

    • Please call 208.459.3242 to schedule an appointment. 

  • Pick Up Holds or Request Items for staff retrieval inside our East Entrance 

  • Contactless Delivery options are available

  • Mobile Hotspots are available for checkout and free WiFi can be accessed from our parking lot 

  • Book Drops are open

  • All returned items will be quarantined for 5 days before being checked in - no fines will be assessed at this time

  • Meeting Room Reservations and Book Donations will be suspended at this time 

  • Library Programs will continue virtually 

Empesando el Lunes Febrero 1, La Biblioteca pública de Caldwell está cerrada para ojeada. Servicios que estan disponible es:

  • Los libros y materiales seguiran siendo disponibles para levanter en el estacionamiento entre las siguientes horas:

    • Lunes-Jueves: 10 am - 9 pm

    • Viernes: 10 am - 6 pm

    • Sabado: 10 am - 5 pm

    • Domingo: 2 pm - 5 pm

  • Las computadoras seran disponible por cita solamente:

    • Citas de una hora

    • las estaciones de computadoras de distancia social seran limpiadas y desinfectadas despues de cada uso

  • Hay opciones disponibles de entrega sin contacto - lláme para más información

  • Entrar a ver no se permitira

  • Usted pueden a recoger articulos reservados o solicitor materiales adentro de la entrada este de la biblioteca

  • Los depositos del libros permanecen abiertos

  • Los materiales devueltos están sujetos a una cuarentena de 5 días antes de ser registrados en nuestra sistema

  • Los programas de la biblioteca seguiran siendo virtuales (distancia)

  • Las salas para juntas publicas no son disponibles para uso y reservaciones no se estan acceptando.

  • Donaciones no se estan aceptando a este tiempo

November 2, 2020 - update

The Caldwell Public Library is closed to the public. The following services are available:

  • Curbside pickup is available for holds made on our online catalog. Place your holds and schedule a time to come to the library to pick them up. Your items will be bagged and waiting for you at the table outside our East Entrance. We ask that you remain inside your vehicle until the table is unoccupied before retrieving your items so that social distancing can be maintained. Curbside pickup is available during the following times:

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 9 pm​

    • Friday: 10 am - 6 pm

    • Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm

    • Sunday: 2 pm - 5 pm

  • Computer use is available by appointment only

    • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained

    • Stations will be thoroughly sanitized between uses

    • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour

    • Please call 208.459.3242 to schedule an appointment.

  • We are unable to allow browsing at this time

  • Patrons can pick up holds or request items for staff retrieval inside our East Entrance

  • Mobile hotspots are available for checkout and free WiFi can be accessed from our parking lot

  • Meeting room reservations and donations will be suspended at this time

  • Library programs will continue virtually

Empesando el Lunes Noviembre 2, la biblioteca de Caldwell estan cerrado al publico. Servicios que estan disponible es:

  • Los libros y materiales seguiran siendo disponibles para levanter en el estacionamiento entre las siguientes horas:

    • Lunes-Jueves: 10 am - 9 pm

    • Viernes: 10 am - 6 pm

    • Sabado: 10 am - 5 pm

    • Domingo: 2 pm - 5 pm

  • Las computadoras seran disponible por cita solamente:

    • Citas de una hora

    • Las estaciones de computadoras de distancia social seran limpiadas y desinfectadas despues de cada uso

  • Entrar a ver no se permitira

  • Usted pueden a recoger articulos reservados o solicitor materiales adentro de la entrada este de la biblioteca

  • Los depositos del libros permanecen abiertos.

  • Los programas de la biblioteca seguiran siendo virtuales (distancia).

  • Las salas para juntas publicas no son disponibles para uso y reservaciones no se estan acceptando.

  • Donaciones no se estan aceptando a este tiempo.

September 14, 2020 - update

The Caldwell Public Library facility is open to the public. Curbside services are still being offered. The following updates are available:

  • Facility open for browsing and check out

  • Curbside pickup for library materials remains available during the following times:

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8:30 pm

    • Friday: 10 am - 5:30 pm

    • Saturday: 10 am - 4:30 pm

  • Computers will be available for use by appointment only

    • Computer stations are set up so that social distancing can be maintained

    • Computers can be reserved for 1 hour

  • Library programs will remain virtual

  • Book drops remain open

  • Public meeting rooms are unavailable for use and meeting reservations will not be accepted

  • Donations will not be accepted at this time


August 31, 2020 - update


The Caldwell Public Library facility remains mostly closed to the public, except for computer appointments. Curbside services have been updated as follows: 

  • Curbside pickup by appointment for library materials remains available during the following times: 

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am – 8:30 pm 

    • Friday: 10 am – 5:30 pm 

    • Saturday: 10 am – 4:30 pm 

  • Laptops will be available by appointment during the following times: 

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am – 8:30 pm 

    • Friday: 10 am – 5:30 pm 

    • Saturday: 10 am – 4:30 pm 

  • Book drops remain open.

  • Books will be quarantined for 5 days before check-in. Fines will not be assessed during this time. 

  • Library programs will remain virtual.

  • Public meeting rooms are unavailable for use and reservations will not be accepted.

  • Donations will not be accepted at this time.

July 20, 2020 - update

The Caldwell Public Library facility will be closed to the public. The following limited services will be available:


  • Curbside pickup by appointment for library materials remains available during the following times:

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 7 pm

    • Friday & Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm

  • Laptops will be available by appointment during the following times:

    • Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 7 pm

    • Friday & Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm

  • Book drops remain open.

  • Books will be quarantined for 5 days before check-in. Fines will not be assessed during this time.

  • Library programs will remain virtual.

  • Public meeting rooms are unavailable for use and reservations will not be accepted.

  • Donations will not be accepted at this time.  


June 15, 2020 - update

The Caldwell Public Library will move forward with Phase 4 of our reopening plan. Most library functions will resume with safety precautions.


  • Public computers remain available by appointment.

  • Curbside pickup for library materials continues and is encouraged to reduce the number of library users waiting for service in the library. Library users are encouraged to conduct their business quickly to reduce wait time so other can access library services as well.

  • Stacks are open for browsing.

  • Library programs will remain virtual.

  • Public meeting room are unavailable for use and reservations will not be accepted during Phase 4.

  • Donations will be accepted as facility storage space allows. The Friends of the Library Book Nook remains closed.

  • We strongly encourage the use of masks and we have masks available for patrons upon request.

As a public facility, we will continue to monitor this situation very closely, particularly as it relates to the impact on public spaces, public gatherings, and preventative public health practices. The health and safety of our patrons, staff, and volunteers continues to be our priority.


May 8, 2020 - update


The Caldwell Public Library plans to re-open using a phased approach that aligns with Governor Little’s Idaho Rebounds Plan

Reopening Plan

We will follow up with more details as they become available. We invite you to provide input through our patron survey.  Your responses will help us prioritize the greatest community needs during our phases of reopening.


As a public facility, we will continue to monitor this situation very closely, particularly as it relates to the impact on public spaces, public gatherings, and preventative public health practices.  The health and safety of our patrons, staff, and volunteers continues to be our priority. 

April 28, 2020 Update

We will be offering curbside holds pick up, starting Friday, May 1. 





Place your holds through the catalog

Place holds through CPL catalog;, click "search catalog" in upper right corner unless you already have holds that need picked up. Only CPL items are available for pickup at this time as the courier is not running.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment to pick up your items through or by calling 208-459-3242. Curbside pickup is available Mon.-Thurs. 10-7 and Fri.-Sat. 10-4. There are two appointment slots every 15 minutes.

Head to the Library

Curbside pickup is available at your appointment time at the East entrance parking lot. Items are available only by appointment, please be sure you have one before coming to the library.

Wait for your Items in your vehicle

During your appointment time, your items will be bagged/tagged on a table outside the library's East entrance doors. Please wait away from the table until it is unoccupied before picking up your items.

March 27, 2020 - update


Based on Governor Little’s statewide stay-home order, our book drops are closed until further notice effective at 7 pm yesterday, Thursday, March 26. We ask that patrons keep any materials they currently have checked out.  All due dates have been extended to June 1st and the drive-up book drop is closed with no returns allowed at this time.


Our staff will be available to assist you over the phone, Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm at (208) 459-3242.


Please send email inquiries to  Visit for streaming music, ebooks and audiobooks.  Thank you for your understanding at this time.


As a public facility, we will continue to monitor this situation very closely, particularly as it relates to the impact on public spaces, public gatherings, and preventative public health practices.

March 23, 2020 - update

Effective at 10 am today, Monday, March 23, the Caldwell Public Library will continue to be closed to the public. This closure will remain in effect until further notice to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This difficult decision was made out of the utmost concern for the health, safety and well-being of library patrons, staff and the community. The Caldwell Public Library apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates the understanding of our patrons. During this time, we will offer telephone & online reference service during the following hours:

Monday — Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday — closed

We will extend due dates on items that are currently checked out. Items on hold will be waiting for pick up when the library reopens. We are available to address individual account questions. You can reach us at (208) 459-3242 or Our digital resources are also available 24/7. As a public facility, we will continue to monitor this situation very closely, particularly as it relates to the impact on public spaces, public gatherings, and preventative public health practices.

March 13, 2020 - update

In an effort to follow recommendations by the State of Idaho and the CDC, we will be canceling all outreach visits and library programs starting March 16th through March 31st. We apologize for any inconvenience.

For more information regarding State recommendations, see Guidance for Mass Gatherings & Public events:

March 13, 2020

Caldwell Public Library is monitoring information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of staff and library users is our priority. Currently, Caldwell Public Library is open during our normal business hours. We are taking additional steps beyond regular practices to maintain services to our community.   


At this time:

  • No food or snacks will be served at any library sponsored programs.

  • We are not accepting any donated library materials. We are suspending donation processing until further notice. 

  • All toys have been removed from the Children’s area and no game kits or puzzles will be available for check-out.

  • Our volunteer program and homebound delivery services will be suspended until further notice. 

  • All outreach visits and library programs from March 16th - 31st have been canceled. 

  • We encourage patrons to return library materials using the drops at the Dearborn St. entrance to our building and our drive-up book drop.  

  • We ask that patrons stay home if they have a fever or symptoms such as coughing or sneezing. We invite you to explore the Caldwell Public Library’s electronic resources ( instead.


This is effective immediately, through March 31. The Caldwell Public Library is taking these precautions and will continue to monitor the situation. Thank you for your patience and understanding!  

More information about this outbreak is available from the following resources:

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